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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law!

When I was a kid, my twin brother and I slept on bunk beds. I was laying on the bottom bunk one night and I noticed a small white tag on my brother's mattress, so I tore it off. You can imagine my horror when I read the warning on the tag .... UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG SHALL NOT BE REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER

Of course, I immediately got out of bed and found some scotch tape to tape it back up, but the damage was done, the CONSUMER knew what I had done and HE was coming for ME!

What had I done? How could I have done this to my family? Would they lock us ALL up? Had I destroyed my family with one simple act? Would the CONSUMER understand? I was just a kid, after all?

Literally, weeks went by before I got up the courage to tell my parents what I had done and even after they explained the meaning of the tag and why it was there, I still didn't sleep very soundly for a very long time.

To the memory of childhood nightmares .....

Do Not Remove!


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